Media and Press

LABIOMEP integrates Porto4Ageing Consortium


O LABIOMEP integra o consórcio Porto4Ageing, um consórcio que reúne mais de 70 organizações, na sua maioria estabelecidas na Área Metropolitana do Porto.

Esta iniciativa junta esforços de organizações de quatro naturezas distintas: decisores/prestadores de cuidados, empresas/indústria, sociedade civil/utilizadores e academia/investigação.
Cada organização contribui ativamente e de uma maneira específica para o objectivo global de responder melhor às necessidades dos cidadãos, especialmente em assuntos relacionados ao Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável na Região Porto.

Conheça mais sobre esta iniciativa, seus objetivos e intervenientes no website:

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LABIOMEP integrates the Porto4Ageing, a consortium of more than 70 organizations, mostly from the Porto Metropolitan Area.

This initiative joins the efforts of organizations from four distinct natures: decision makers/care providers, business/industry, civil society/users and academia/research.
Each organization contributes actively and in a specific way to the overall objective of responding to the needs of citizens, especially in matters related to the Active and Healthy Ageing in the Region of Porto.

Learn more about this initiative, its objectives and interveners on the website:

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LABIOMEP @ IV NSCA Conference (Murcia, Spain)

LABIOMEP @ IV NSCA Conference (Murcia, Spain)

From 25 to 28 June 2014, some members of LABIOMEP participated on the IV NSCA International Conference held on the UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia – Spain. It were presented studies related with 3D analysis of grab and track-start in in swimming, the relationship between hand grip strength and shoot speed in different competitive level water polo players, a velocity and acceleration analysis of surf power paddling, the kinematical and coordinative characterization of front crawl age – group swimmers and the backward extrapolation of VO2max values after swimming exercise. In the last session of the conference, it was carried out a workshop on evaluation of aquatic performance through physiological and strength assessment, which was a success.

More info at:

Murciaposter marcio

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Scientific Seminar – May 2014 – Swimming

Scientific Seminar – May 2014 – Swimming

LABIOMEP_SwimmingSeminar Last week a scientific seminar was held at LABIOMEP, particularly focusing on swimming coaching and research. Topics related with planning and periodization, strength and conditioning evaluation and biomechanical analysis of a swimming race were referred to. The seminar had both theoretical and practical sessions and involved students from all the academic levels (licenciate, master and doctoral programme), as well as some teachers and coaches (a total of 63 participants). The highlight of this seminar was the participation of Professors Piotr Makar and Grzegorz Bielec from University School of Physical Education and Sport of Gdansk, Poland.

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Centro Diagnóstico de Sticks

Centro Diagnóstico de Sticks

A equipa do LOME-INEGI participou no passado sábado no “All-star hóquei em patins 2013” que decorreu no pavilhão da União Desportiva Oliveirense em Oliveira de Azeméis. A equipa do LOME foi responsável por medir a velocidade da bola durante os remates realizados durante o jogo e durante a competição para o “remate mais veloz”, prémio LABIOMEP. Este evento foi noticia na RTP 1 e RTP 2 e a reportagem mostrada encontra-se no link onde, aos 8:43 min se fala no evento e no final da reportagem se mostra a intervenção da equipa do LOME-INEGI.

De referir ainda que durante o evento esteve em exposição um centro de diagnóstico de sticks projetado e construído no LOME. Com este equipamento é possível obter a massa, posição do CG, inércia e rigidez à flexão. Este equipamento foi mostrado à empresa AZEMAD, um dos maiores construtores mundiais de sticks, que nos manifestou grande interesse para um futura colaboração. Em baixo enviamos o poster que esteve em exposição.

LABIOMEP_Centro Diagnostico de Sticks

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LABIOMEP e a Engenharia no Desporto

Roller Hockey Stick

26.06.2013 O LABIOMEP/INEGI esteve representado no “SPORT TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM”- satélite da conferência que decorre em Barcelona com a presença de mais de 3000 delegados.

O LABIOMEP foi convidado para apresentar uma keynote com o título “Designing processes for sport technology” em que foram descritos trabalhos de investigação no Hóquei em patins e canoagem que decorrem atualmente neste laboratório.

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Post Doc Position available at the University of Rouen (France)


Post Doc Position available at the University of Rouen (France)

Duration: 15 months beginning in September 1st, 2013
Employer: university of Rouen, Faculty of Science of the Sport, laboratory CETAPS (EA3832)
Workplace: Rouen – France
Speciality : Motor Control, Sport sciences (STAPS), Psychology
Deadline of application : 2013/06/14
Further information: Régis Thouvarecq (,, Ludovic Seifert (,, secretaryship : Jenny Vu-Dinh (,

The recruited postdoc will work on the Demonstrator 3 project of the RISC program (supported by State / Region / FEDER) that concerns ” Mobility, behavioral dynamics and environment “. This project concerns how nonlinear dynamical models enable modelling of emergent processes of behavior at individual and collective levels. Indeed, complexity sciences allow us to highlight useful knowledge both in the development of motor performance, and in learning processes of a range of groups including the young and disabled.

We are recruiting one postdoc and one engineer, to complete our research team (10 persons) working together on this project. The Postdoc will be capable of developing and operating experimental protocols, of treating experimental data and of participating in the writing of the reports of works (publications / reports).

It is expected that the Postdoc will also work on various other current projects (with different levels of implication) and will contribute to publications according to his/her degree of investment. These current projects concern: (1) postural regulation and supra-postural task, (2) the dynamics of learning in motor coordination in swimming and climbing, and (3) the kinematics of ice-skating in hockey.

Applicants will possess a PhD in sport sciences, or kinesiology, or psychology. Emphasis on “sensori-based motor control” in research conducted to date is essential.

Required Skills :

  • Theoretical knowledge of the complex science approaches to human sensori-based motor control and the tools which relate to it. More specifically, knowledge of human postural control would be valuable.
  • Capacities to set up experimental protocols which combine several techniques of data acquisition (e.g., video / force plate / accelerometers) with various participants.
  • Experience and knowledge in the field of general programming, classical statistical treatments and the capacity to apply skills to the signals (postural data etc.). Proven skill in the application of circular statistics is also desirable.
  • Proven high standards in reading and writing scientific English is imperative.
  • To speak French would be useful (during experimentation for example) but not completely essential.
  • Capacity to work in a team in a multidisciplinary project
Posted by wp in Media and Press

Visita MCrespo & DSanz

Visita MCrespo e DSainz Labiomep 1

Miguel Crespo (left) and David Sanz (right)

Visita MCrespo e DSainz Labiomep 2

Miguel Crespo (left), Vítor Cabral (center) and David Sanz (right)

   No passado dia 21 de Maio o LABIOMEP recebeu a visita de dois investigadores da vizinha Espanha: David Sanz Rivas, PhD, da Universidad Camilo José Cela e Miguel Crespo, PhD, da Universidade de Valência. Para além do seu trabalho académico David Sanz é também o responsável pela Docência e Investigação da Real Federação Espanhola de Ténis (RFET). Miguel Crespo é o responsável pela Formação de Treinadores e pela Investigação na Federação Internacional de Ténis (ITF), sendo o responsável mundial pela produção de publicações, simpósios e certificação de treinadores, intervindo também na Comissão Mundial de Treinadores e no Comité Olímpico Internacional. A sua presença constituiu um primeiro passo para a colaboração com o LABIOMEP e com a FADEUP nesta área da investigação.

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Laboratório de Biomecânica da Universidade do Porto estuda atletas de alta competição (Reportagem RTP)

Paulo Moreira / Rui César / Marcelo Sá Carvalho
30 Abr, 2013, 14:00

A Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto tem a funcionar um laboratório de biomecânica para alto rendimento. A ideia é estudar os padrões resultantes da atividade física em alta competição. Trata-se de um investimento para seis faculdades e dois centros de investigação, e custou um milhão e 700 mil euros.

Veja a reportagem completa em:

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