LABIOMEP will be helding an introduction course in Biomechanical Data Analysis using Visual3D software. The course will takle place at LABIOMEP’s facilities and will be divided in two classes: 29th July and 30th July, between 10h00 and 18h00. The objective of this course is to endow students, researchers and professors in biomechanics and related fields with the tools and knowledge on how to quickly and efficiently process and extract information from movement and force data. Each class is limited to 15 participants, and at least 10 registrations are required. Download the event flyer here |
Full Syllabus
- Visual3D Overview
- Getting data ready to Visual3D
- Workspace Overview
- Importing files
- Categorizing files
- Building a Conventional Gait Model
- Differences between models
- Importing data to create model
- Creating landmarks
- Creating segments
- Global coordinate reference
- Local coordinate reference
- Saving and Loading Models
- Applying a model to data files
- Signals and Events Tab
- Data Tree Overview
- Pipeline commands overview
- Force data processing
- Getting simples angular information
- Analog Data and EMG processing
- Creating Events
- Obtaining usefull data from file
- Export data
- Report generation
- Plotting Data
- Comparing Datasets
- Hands-on
Supporting Media provided to the participants of the course:
- PDF Guide “Introduction to Visual3D in Biomechanics”
- PDF Guide “Build a model set-by-step”
- Normal gait example dataset
- LABIOMEP Normal Gait Model file
- Gait processing routine example pipeline
- Attendance Certificate
Contact us
Do you have a question? Contact us by clicking here
Apply to one of the classes: link here